How To Take The Viral Ktestone Personality Test?

The platform of TikTok now has become a staple for many in the world — especially among the Gen Z people. This popular platform gives birth to a lot of trends each day, and one such viral trend among them is taking personality tests online. It requires answering a series of different questions, the answers to which help in determining the personality of the user. 

In this article, I will be discussing the viral Ktestone personality test which has blown off on TikTok lately. Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information about the same!

About Ktestone Personality Test

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The Ktestone Personality test is a viral online test that lets users take a peek into their personalities. To get started with the test one needs to head over to their official site “”, after which one needs to select the “Color Personality Test”. 

16 Different Color Personalities

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There are 16 possible color results that you can get upon taking the Ktestone test. They are:

1. Serulian

People who get these color personalities in Ktestone color test are of a calm, quiet, and mysterious nature. They love being alone and thrive in solitude. These people do not have much empathy but are also not people who might intentionally bring harm to other people.  

2. Rosebud

People who get this color believe that “action speaks louder than words”. They are full of confidence and nature-born leaders. Their spontaneous nature can make them not very compatible with other people they meet in life.

3. Sprout

People who get this color result should stop trying to bring themselves down all the time. They might not see it but others do at how bright and capable they are. These people mostly stick with people who share the same values and morals in life. 

4. Ocean Depths

When there’s something that these people want to do/achieve they go at it with full force. This is their level of determination in life. But also at the same time, there’s a flip side to their personalities as well – they couldn’t be more bothered if there’s something that does not interest them. 

This leads to them missing out on a lot of beneficial opportunities. They are also absolutely great at drawing boundaries as well.

Tip: The Ktestone love character test is yet another fun test that you can choose to take at their site. This love character test ktestone enables you to get the percentage rating of compatibility with your crush/someone that you love.

5. Cactus

These people hate being the leader but are secretly great at it. They are not afraid to speak their mind as well. The Cactus color personality people are analytical and are known to speak their minds well as well. 

6. Periglacial Blue

Even though these people generally appear to be cautious and calm, they have a sneaky side as well. These people never break rules and honor the responsibilities bestowed on them always. 

The Periglacial Blue personalities also tend to get repulsed by loud people and the ones who break promises. 

7. Doeny

These people have a creative knack for them and have the ability to move people to a great extent. But they also tend to be more emotional than logical when making decisions. Overall these personalities can be very cheerful. They can make friends easily as well.

8. Oasis

These personalities resemble sand in both likeliness and color and they have a sort of appearance that changes all depending upon the situation. These people are empaths and feel for people to a great extent.

9. Navy Fiony

The Navy Fiony ktestone color personality test results in people being extremely concerned about others and going to great lengths to ensure that they are not hurting other people. They also have a great sex appeal and charisma about themselves. These people find it hard to take any kind of criticism.

10. Warm Flame

These people are extremely independent and are never afraid to speak their minds. They do not pull up with any kind of bullshit. The people with Warm Flame personalities live their lives just like they want to and hence as a result do not have any stress. 

11. Dandelion

The Dandelion personalities are more free-spirited people. They are of such a nature who get distracted very easily and are not able to concentrate on a single work at a time. 

12. Ocean Bay

Ocean Bay people like solving everything by themselves – refusing any help from others. They hate relying on others’ kindness. These people only like to connect with such beings who make them feel special. 

13. Alice Blue

An Alice Blue person is of a much introverted and quiet nature. At the same time, they also love it when they get attention. These people are natural when it comes to making friends.

14. Quartz

The people who get Quartz personalities take their time in warming up to people. These people do financial management well by themselves. They are good at leading other people as well.

15. Vanilla Ice

These people have got a lot of worries on their plate. Though these people are great at socializing. They also have a lot of empathy for other human beings. The best thing that these people should do is look for people who would take good care of them.

16. Sweet Pink

People who have the sweet pink color type of personality are clever, witty, and also very open-minded. They are well compatible for friendships with people, who actively try to be with them.

To Wrap It Up!

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If you are someone who has never taken this kind of personality test before then by all means go ahead with it. But again a small disclaimer: these are only for fun and there’s nothing regarding them that is to be taken seriously. 

Thank you for reading up till the end of the article. I hope you found the information regarding “Ktestone Personality test” useful.

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